Friday 18 July 2014

31 Day Photo Challenge - Your Shoes - Day 18

Check out my new bike pedals that I got today at Full Cycle on St. Laurent Blvd.  My other pedals were plastic and cracked.  The bike guy at the store told me, plastic pedals don't last very long and was surprised when I told him they were the original ones that came with my bike that I bought in the Spring of 2006 after my other one was stolen.  Soon I will need to replace my bike lock because the middle piece moves and sometimes I have to struggle with the lock.  I may also need to replace my bike seat because it has crack in it.  Oh boy!  Someone suggested I buy a new bike.  Last Friday and all weekend I thought my odometer screen was going, but then I realized it was new polarized sunglasses that would distort the screen.  Oops!

New Bike Pedals

I noticed the Flatbread Pizza Company, a mobile, wood-fire pizza company (they also live down the street from me), were set up at Full Cycle's parking lot this evening and decided to order a pizza before looking at pedals.  I was planning on strapping it to my bike rack and eat it when I got home, but my bungee cords were in my pannier which was at home.  What did I do?  I sat down on the curb and wolfed it down.  It was hot, a little greasy, and gooey, but isn't that was a pizza's supposed to be?  It was the perfect size.  Next time you see it, stop and a get a pizza. I think they are at Full Cycle on Fridays and Saturday, but not next weekend.  They take cash and credit cards using the Square credit card reader that works with your phone or iPad.        

Flatbread Pizza Company - Supper
Now after these interesting pictures, I will return to today's photo challenge "Your Shoes".  To be honest with you, today's picture is not exciting.  Remember that coworker I asked for advice on taking pictures of eyes?!  Well he came to my desk this morning and I gave him heck for not getting back to me (we bicker back and forth to each other all the time) and he apologized, then asked if it was too late.  I told him it was too late.  He asked what today's challenge was and when I told him "your shoes" he looked at my cubby hole of shoes beneath my desk.  He said it would be a good picture because it shows how practical I am.  I wasn't sure if that was an insult or not.  He said, "You have a pair of black flats, bronze flats, brown low heel, and a black low heel".  These shoes are always kept at my desk since I wear them mostly in the fall and winter I hate having to drag shoes back and forth, especially throughout the winter.  I usually wear other footwear to work, then change when I get there.  In the summer time, I mostly wear flip flops, flat sandals with straps, wedge sandals, black ballet flats, or Toms' grey leopard print ballet flats.

My bronze Target strappy sandals - they go with the bronze buttons on my dress 

31 Day Photo Challenge - 18 - Your Shoes (final picture)

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