Friday 4 July 2014

31 Day Photo Challenge - Something Green - Day 4

After chasing clouds yesterday for a great picture, I spent a good part of today staring up at the sky looking at the clouds. The clouds today were amazing, there were fluffy and white ones and grey, puffy ones.  Overall, it was very pretty.

Today's photo challenge is "Something Green" and at this time of the year, there is green all around us - green grass, green trees, and green shrubs.  I took some pictures of the greenery along the bike path, but it wasn't what I was looking for.  Once again, I took my favourite girl, Nutmeg for a good walk and to the park.  This cooler or normal summer weather is much more ideal for walking bulldogs.  It was very hot and humid earlier this week and our walks were extremely short.

Nutmeg at the Dog Park
Pretty Tree

Bike Path Along the Rideau River - Something Green

 Earlier this morning, I was trying to figure out where to go for a bike ride this afternoon when I saw this Instagam post by Zara at @ottawavelovogue_.  Isn't her bike pretty? Zara takes pictures and blogs (Ottawa Velo Vogue)about bike fashion, bikes and places in Ottawa.  Ding! Ding! I'm going for gelato.  I grabbed my bike after our walk with a destination in mind - Stella Luna Gelato.  I recently read somewhere that Stella Luna Gelato is the best gelato in Ottawa.  I went all out and ordered a large cup (it was my lunch) and it came with 3 flavours.  I got gianduca (chocolate), almond turtle caramel (I think this was the flavour), and lemon rose.  It was excellent and very refreshing.  I text a picture of my gelato to my parents, friends, and nieces and nephews.  Yes, I am evil.  I ventured into some shops nearby and bought a new toy for Nutmeg.

Stella Luna's Gelato and Sorbet
My Stella Luna Gelato - 3 Flavours

I started to bike home and decided to stop at a bench along the river and wait for my best friend Vicki to bike by, so I can take a picture of her Opus Stelle Cyclocross bike.  You see, her bike is predominantly green and white.  I found my something green.  How do you get your friend to stop on her bike?  You offer them Miss Vickie's Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar chips.  Too bad for her I ate my sliced hot, Hungarian sausage. Oops!

Something Green - Opus Stelle Cyclocross (Final Picture)
I noticed something on my bike ride today, I saw a lot of sourpuss, grump faces on the path today. Come on people!  Today was a great day, and it's Friday, the weekend, and the temperature was just right, and you're outside surrounded by natural beauty with a river and trees, so why the grumpy faces?  Smile!  Feel good about the end of a work week.  Treat yourself to a gelato, a refreshing beverage, a bag of chips, or something that makes you make happy, as long as it's not illegal drugs or something criminal.  That would be wrong!

Have a great weekend!

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