Thursday 31 July 2014

31 Day Photo Challenge - Someone Else's Pet - Day 31

My parents (M&M) and I looked at small house today (house #2) in Vanier.  My real estate sent me a new listing yesterday.  This house was listed in the Winter and was taken off because I assumed it had sold, but I guess not.  In the meantime, the homeowner replaced the oil furnace to a gas furnace and did a slap-hazard paint job.  It looked cute in the pictures and the price wasn't bad, but it just didn't do anything for me.  I didn't like the tiled ceilings in the most of the place and they were bent and could push up on them.  For some reason, when the home owner put down flooring they kept the carpet in the bedroom and it's dirty and stained.  They put in a new bathroom sink/vanity, but didn't replace the tub and tiles around it, which are lifting off at some parts.  The kitchen was dated, which is fine because it could be replaced at some later date. They opened up the attic and put a room up there, but I didn't care for the open, narrow stairs that led upstairs.  The backyard was fine, but it didn't have any grass, so I would have to remove all the stones and get sod.  I couldn't see myself living there and being happy.    My real estate lady said it's fine, to take my time, and that I will know when I see the right place.  I hope so because I would love to own a cute, little home with a backyard with grass.

If you recall from my first photo challenge post this was originally supposed to be 30 days.  However, my friend Vicki said the challenge should be 31 days since there are 31 days in July and that it should be a photo of Someone Else's Pet.  For today's challenge, I took some pictures of Raven, a green-eyed, black cat who lives down the street from me.  Raven is a rescue, and had never been outside in it's prior life.  Now Raven is always outside and she's either very confident or stupid as lamppost because she often sits right in the middle of the road and cars and cyclists have to go around her.   She's lucky she hasn't been hit yet.  Raven has also been seen sitting on the corner with her back leg up in the air and cleaning herself and so that everyone can see her doing this.

Raven licking a puddle

Raven giving me the Stinkeye

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 31 - Someone Else's Pet (final picture)

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