Wednesday 8 July 2009


Today, I went paragliding and it was fabulous! I've been thinking about it all day and I want to do it again. I felt weightless as I glided next to mountains. The view from up there is stunning!

We ran into 3 of the boys from Israel on our way to the train station to check out the times for the train to the Mer de Glace. We never made it to the train station. We ended up having beers and supper with them and the other guys once they showed up. After supper, some of us went out for more beer. The boys seemed to had a great Tour du Mont Blanc. Most of them will be returning to Israel on Friday while 3 of them will travel through Switzerland.
Beer consumption: 4 to 5 (not really sure)

1 comment:

Pam said...

Wow! What a perfect Tracy adventure!