Saturday 11 July 2009

Geneva to Ottawa

I didn't have a good sleep last night because I kept getting tangled in the massive duvet. Also I kept hearing noise down below on the street and kept wondering when the bars close. My wonder was soon answered as we left our hotel at 8am, turned the corner to the street that our room faced and walked up the street. As we were walking down the street, I noticed a pair of clear plastic stilletto platform shoes and as my gaze continued up, I see legs, a short mini skirt, then white lingerie and a woman displaying her chest out to everyone. She had a friend with her and two other ladies were on the other side of the street. They keep long hours.

Vicki made a comment about how dirty Geneva was and was surprised considering it was full of banks and money. At first, I noticed that Geneva looked dirty because it was an old city and the building were built so long ago. But after Vicki's comment, it's true there was a lot of dirt and garbage around. The night before when we were eating supper, I thought it was sad as I looked out the window and saw a woman and kids bum for money and food off people. For a city/country that has so much money, it was a shock to see it this way.

One of the great things about Geneva and Chamonix is the use of the public transportation for free. The hotels give you a card when you check in to use on the buses and trains. And it's free!! Ottawa should encourage this and it might attract tourists.

We went to the airport and returned to the grocery store to buy more Swiss chocolate bars. There were some good deals to be had there.

On our flight to Ottawa, we felt like were in a jungle gym. So many kids screaming, crying, running around, and climbing over the chairs. Not sure how the parents do it. Once we were in Montreal, we waited for my niece Jen and her husband Kevin to arrive from their honeymoon to Paris. We waited and waited but didn't see them, so we headed over to the train station. They soon arrived and were tired, hungry and looking forward to going home. On the train, Vicki and I were given free glasses of red wine. Not sure, but I think "Samy" had a crush on Vicki and her pleasant smile. We arrived in Ottawa and were greeted by a cheerful Nina. We all went in our separate directions home, Jen and Kevin on the bus in one direction, Vicki in a cab, and me and Nina on the bus in the opposite direction. I asked Nina if she wanted to get a drink (she said I must be running on adrenaline), so we did and chatted for a little bit ... and Nina drank a full pint of beer and finished before me. Did she become a beer connoiser while I was away? I must have been tired.

Anyhoo, it's been a great trip and I'm glad to have shared it with Vicki. At times, we shared the same brain, which is bound to happen when you spend 24/7 together. We saw many great sights, scenery, and animals. We experienced new things; cable cars over glaciers, hiking and meeting nice people. We tasted many kinds of ice cream in all three countries. Finally, we had lots of laughter at the most silliest things. Thanks Vicki!

Beer/Wine Consumption: 2

1 comment:

Pam said...

I'm glad you are both back and that you had a great trip! Thanks for sharing!