Monday 21 January 2013

Shepherd's Pie, Acetone, Squats, Crafts, and Curry

I made this Paleo Shepherd's Pie recipe for dinner last night and it's the second time I've made it.  However, last night I made it "almost-paleo" by adding a can of corn (drained), which is not paleo, used red wine vinegar instead of cider vinegar (don't have any), and added paprika, black pepper, ground allspice, and sodium-free diet Herbamare.  All the ingredients for the meat mixture were cooked in a large cast iron pan and I decided to add the mashed sweet potato and cauliflower on top of the meat mixture once it was cooked and put the entire pan in the over.  This saved having to combine the ingredients in casserole or baking dishes and it meant less dishes, which I like.  This recipe is easy to do, it's tasty and is excellent to have on a very cold Sunday evening.

Now I digress from food to nail polish because that's how my mind works.  It jumps from here, there, over there and back here.

There's a reason why I don't get manicures or put nail polish on my fingernails.  Because it's a b**** to take off.  I had a manicure back in December and figured since I was getting one that I would go all out, get a dark colour and have the Shellac nail polish, which is guaranteed to not chip for 14 days.  It really does work.  My nails did not chip for 14 days plus.  The problem is that my nails grow super fast and my nails were looking like crap and started to chip.  My esthetician told me to wrap a cotton ball/pad in Acetone and place it on my fingernail and wrap the fingernail with aluminum foil for 20 minutes.   When I heard this I thought it was way too much work and how would I ever be able to do both hands.  I tried soaking a cotton ball in Acetone and rubbed the polish, but nothing came off.  Yesterday,  I soaked my fingernails in Acetone for 15-20 minutes and the polish flaked off.  I don't foresee getting another manicure for quite some time, but I am looking forward to another pedicure.  It's  such a treat to have your feet soak in a bath and have someone work on them while you sit in a heated massage chair.  The best part is when you share this experience with your best friend, drink tea, catch up with each other and pick out funny named nail polish.

The New Year Squat-A-Thon group is a little over half done and everyone is doing amazing.  120 squats were required for today.  I'm so proud of everyone in the group for taking on this challenge and sticking with it.  People are telling me they can feel a difference in their legs, buts, and abdominal muscles.  I already have plans for another exercise-a-thon (stay tune for the exercise) that will begin shortly after we reach 200 squats.

Did you see this 2013 Creative Pay-it-Forward Facebook post earlier this month:

"2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward: 

The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in the next calendar year, a gift - something bizarre, odd, comical or pretty- a surprise I've made by hand. 

There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me.

The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their Facebook status."

Well I did and decided to comment on my friend's post, which meant I too had to make this offer on my Facebook page.  I did so despite not being a crafty person or a baker.  Say what? Yes, that's right!  I am not a crafter.  Somehow the crafting gene skipped me, much to my dismay.  I can't cut a straight line and I can barely draw a stick person.  It's quite sad really when I see what my parents', especially my mom, sister, nieces, and friends can make.  I'm so envious of people with talent.  What I need is a book, blog, anything that's called "Crafting for Idiots".  Despite all this, I will tackle this challenge as I have 5 people for my 2013 Creative Pay-it-Forward.  I already have an idea and some of the supplies for one of my people, now I need to get the rest and meet up with Vicki so we can have a craft night.  I hope it turns out and I hope I can come up with something for my other 4 people.

Adam and I made this Canadian Living Curried Cauliflower with Chickpeas recipe tonight.  Since we didn't have any spinach, we decided to use one green pepper and one orange pepper and I substituted the regular sugar with coconut palm sugar.  We found the recipe to be a little bland and decided to add some gluten-free soy sauce and Frank's Red Hot sauce.  If I made this recipe again, I would add a can of tomatoes or coconut milk.

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