Monday 28 January 2013

Happy 200th Birthday, Pride and Prejudice!

Last week I discovered The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a modern-day video blog of Pride and Prejudice, which is a cute and witty adaptation of the original story.  At the time I didn't know Pride and Prejudice was about to celebrate a milestone, but it coincides nicely with today marking the 200th anniversary of the first publication of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

The story of the Bennett's and most importantly, the love story of Elizabeth and Mark Darcy have stood the test of time over two centuries.  The story has been read by millions and millions, and has been adapted into many formats, such as movies, video blogs, TV mini-series, and has spin-offs such as Austenland, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, etc.

I love Pride and Prejudice and read it every year, if not every second year and watch the 1995 BBC film with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth (he is Mark Darcy) every year.  Jane Austen wrote a female lead that his intelligent, witty, and quick minded, which was a rare thing for a female lead to have over 200 years ago.  I will continue to enjoy this story for years to come.

Pride and Prejudice (BBC 1995 - The best adaptation starring Colin Firth)

Pride and Prejudice (2005 - starring Keira Knightly)

Bride and Prejudice (2003 Bollywood version starring Aishwarya Rai)

Lost in Austen (TV mini-series starring Gemma Arterton)

1 comment:

Ayngelina said...

One of my favourite movies....and books :)