Thursday 3 January 2013

Seven Things

Well it was back to work yesterday and after being off for over a week, it was hard to wake up early, leave the comfort of my warm bed and house and head outside in the freezing cold weather for work.  I'm always sad to see my vacations come to an end because it felt like it just started.  Where does all that time go?

The New Year Squat-A-Thon is in motion and everyone is doing fantastic so far.  Today's challenge was 30 squats.  Nutmeg, my English Bulldog watches me as I do them and jumps up as I come down and sometimes jumps up my leg as I stand up.  I think the weight of her jumping on me should add to the level of difficulty.  It's 35 squats tomorrow.  I've already started thinking about what to do once we reach 200 squats.  A Lunge-A-Thon (HATE lunges) and start with one lunge per leg per day, or as a colleague suggested, a Push Up-A-Thon?  Don't worry, something will come to mind.  

Last week I noticed an outdoor skating rink near a local elementary school and upon closer inspection, Vicki and I discovered it's fully operational.  It's time to pull out the skates, wipe off the dust, and take a twirl around the rink.  I think the last time I skated was back in 2007, maybe 2008.

My birthday is soon approaching and yesterday Adam asked what 7 things I want for my birthday week.  You see for Adam's birthday, he had something each day (a present on his actual birthday, pizza for dinner on one day, candy another day, a day of playing video games, etc).  So far I have 3 things listed and it's all food: homemade blueberry buckwheat pancakes on my birthday, Pilo's for dinner one day, and steak, green beans and a sweet potato for another dinner (steak and green beans is my all time favourite meal).  I don't know what else to pick.  Maybe spending an entire day in my pjs reading a good book.  I'm sure I just did this over the holidays, but why not again.  Perhaps a mango smoothie or ingredients to make home ice cream?  Any suggestions?


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