Saturday 11 December 2010

Morocco and Spain, here I come!

One week from today five of us (Vicki, Nina, Pam, Alanna, and I) will leave Ontario, Canada for Morocco.  We are going on a two week tour with Intrepid Travel that will take us around to Morocco's famous sites.  It starts in Casablanca and finishes in Marrakech.  I am looking forward to seeing ancient Fez, riding a camel in the desert and camping overnight in the desert, hiking in Todra Gorge, and seeing the Atlas Mountains, visiting the coast in Essaouira, and shopping in Marrakech with my friends.  Let's hope we get to rock the kasbah!!

Map from Intrepid Travel.

In the New Year, Nina and I will say good-bye to Vicki, Pam, and Alanna as they return home and Nina and I fly to Madrid for three days and Barcelona for five days.  I will celebrate my birthday in Barcelona, which also happens to be a national Spanish holiday called El Día de los Reyes (The Day of the Kings).  Apparently, people leave their shoes out the night before for the King's presents ... I hope someone will fill my shoes with presents.  :-)  I also read that most of Spain has a festival on the Eve of El Día de los Reyes to mark the arrival of the Kings and during their arrival candy is thrown to the crowds.  It should be a fun experience to witness.

Nina's Travel Tip:
  • Don't forget to double count your money before leaving the currency exchange place to ensure you received the correct amount. 

1 comment:

Renee said...

Do you guys have a place to stay in Barcelona yet? If not, I have a great recommendation for a cheap, 'character' place on the Ramblas.