Saturday 8 May 2010

Travel Plans for 2010

So far this year, I've been to Mont Tremblant for skiing and New Years, and last month, I went to Vancouver/Whistler for a couple days of skiing.  So what's next?  I will be visiting my sister this Canada Day weekend at her cottage, which is situated on Lake Ontario in Consecon (near Trenton, Ontario).  Vicki and I will be going to Wolfe Island (Kingston, Ontario) in July for our annual weekend visit with Lady M.  Some of us will be going to Kingston, Ontario the end of October for Skate Canada International 2010.  Finally, Vicki, Nina, Pam, and I have booked our flights to Morocco and booked a 2 week guided trip called "Colours of Morocco" with Intrepid Travel.  The trip commences in Casablanca and finishes in Marrakesh, it also includes a camel trek to the desert and we camp there overnight.  After the trip, Vicki and Pam will return to Canada, and Nina and I are going to Spain for 9 days.  I told Nina that I want to be in Barcelona for my birthday, which means we will be there for at least 4-5 days.  Now we need to figure out if we'll spend the entire week there or go somewhere else in Spain for 3-4 days.  I discovered that my birthday is a national holiday in Spain and every city has a big festival the night before.  I'm super excited about all my trips with different countries, involving many forms of transportation, people and unique destinations.  :)


Ken said...

My two cents: you should have no problem being highly entertained in Barcelona for 9 days. Catalonia is a nice area so a few day trips out of Barcelona might be nice but there is no need to waste time travelling all over. And it will give you an excuse to go back...

Pam said...

Wow, so many adventures!!! I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear the stories. As you are traveling with Nina again will you do your tip of the day spot on your web?

Trixie said...

I'm okay with spending the entire 9 days in Barcelona and do a couple of day trips out of the city, especially after having 2 weeks on a go-go schedule. I'll have to see what Nina prefers.

Wow, a lot of people want "Nina's tip of the day" and we will give the people what they want. Stay tuned.