Saturday 20 June 2009

The Dynamic Duo - Trixie & Vicki

Camping, Lac La Peche - 1996:

It all started on our first day of class of our library tech program at Algonquin College, which was almost 14 years ago, yes, 14. I remember entering the class of 30 students and me being the youngest of the bunch was scared because the majority of the students had prior university/college degrees, were stay-at-home mom's returning to work or some were changing careers. At the time, I only had one year of a three year program, which I didn't like all that much and had been off for while. I remember sitting next to a tall girl with almost shoulder-length dark brown hair and she appeared to be shy. Hmm, what to say to my new class mate? A-ha, tall girl was wearing an ESQ watch that had a black face with gold accents and black leather straps. At the time, I was working part-time at Consumer's Distributing, a catalogue store, and was working in the jewellery department. We carried ESQ watches. The watch was very nice. I don't remember what I said exactly, something like "that's a nice watch, or I like your watch". To which the tall girl replied, "Thanks, I bought it for my boyfriend but decided to keep it for myself", which is typical Vicki behaviour. :) And from that moment I discovered tall girl’s name was Vicki and from there was the beginning of a great friendship.

Still excited from our ride in the bobsled, Lake Placid Olympic Park - 1997:

Our friendship grew as we discovered we were both huge figure skating fans and watched all the events faithfully, then we learned we each loved watching the Olympics and cheering for all athletes not just the Canadians and feeling happy to witness their achievements.

Annecy, France - 2000:
We also have mutual love towards camping and food: McDonald's, Swiss Chalet, combo #4, Pilos, candy, diet coka ... we'll pretty much eat anything. We both like to try new things from bobsledding, kayaking to snorkelling, ziplining around the jungle, surfing in the Pacific, to hiking the West Coast Trail and now we’ll tackle the Mont Blanc.

We can find humour in the most stupid things, by being our silly selves around one another, or from her cat Elvis’ “Ha-row’s”, and watching Dirt Bag with a ghetto blaster on his shoulder walking around Wellington with a big grin on his face, chatting up the ladies and running away from the cops, etc. I wonder what ever happened to him. We always thought he would be a good fixer-upper once he was showered, had dental work and a decent haircut and a nice set of clothes. Long live the dirt bags!
Dangriga, Belize - Christmas 2000:
Banff - 2001:

Then there's the notion of travel. I've always wanted to travel, but had never been outside of North America, where Miss Vicki had spent 6 weeks travelling around Europe. I was so envious and in awe of her. My first "trip" outside of North America was with Vicki and her friend Anne from university, we went to France in April 2000. That was a great trip and really opened my eyes to what I was missing in life. It also made me realize that I needed to make some decisions when I returned home. But most of all I think that trip created a monster in me. I always think of trips, look at flight deals, and potential destinations.
Yurt, Algonquin Park - Christmas 2001:

Over the years, our friendship has grown and prospered as we have seen each through new relationships and break-ups, going back to school, and encouraging one another to try new things although they might be scary. Vicki has been my support, my devil’s advocate, my encourager or eggs me on, and she’s been my nope, can’t do it person. Everyone needs someone like this in their lives to keep you in check and to help you realize your dreams. Now, it's like I don't have other great friends, because I truly have awesome friends who are there for me and are there for laughter and fun, but Vicki is truly my best friend (we see each other at least once a week), we're each other's H.E.L.P. (Hetersexual Life Partners).
West Coast Trail - 2002:

Thank you Vicki for being such a great friend over the years and to many more years to come. I look forward to our trip around Mont Blanc surrounded by lovely European men and can’t wait for the crazy stupid things to come our way. One day we’ll be zipping along the corridor in our wheel chairs, when suddenly I will move out ahead of you and will laugh when you scream out “There you go again with your dirty Michael Schumacher move. This isn’t a competition Trixie”.
Dublin - 2009:


Vicki said...

ATTENTION ... all those that love Tracy ... if she fails to return from TMB it's because I've thrown her from the mountain for making me cry.

Anonymous said...

Take good care of Vicki on your trip. There is no one else quite like her I agree. Wish we lived nearer and hope to meet you someday Trixie.


Pam said...

Your post was made me cry (ya shit). Your friendship with Vicki has been and continues to be amazing. I'm so glad I know both of you and have occasionally shared in your adventures. I love ya both! Have a great trip and come back alive and dreaming of the next trip.