Wednesday 4 June 2008

Which way to the beach?

Today was rough, really rough. First, we ate breakfast in a courtyard covered with vines and fruit trees. A typical Turkish breakfast consists of fresh bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, olives, a hard-boiled egg, and çay (tea). I love çay! Sometimes I even get it for free. :)

After breakfast we took a mini dolmus (bus) to Ayazma beach on the Aegean side. There were maybe 30 people there at the very most. We met a fellow traveler from Spain, named Eduardo and he hung out with us at the beach. I must say that it felt like heaven as we laid on the beach with the sun beating down and the warm breeze blowing on us while watching the sea, the barges float by, and as we read. In case you're wondering, I'm reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. After a while, I would become warm from the sun and would go in the water. The best way to approach the frigid water is to run towards it full speed then dive in, and try not to scream like a banshee when you come up for air. After you come up for air, swim around to keep warm.
Casper got some colour today. She's gone from glow-in-the dark white to a nice shade of beige. Casper also had a rough day today, especially when she had to put some sunblock on a good-looking Spaniard's (aka Eduardo) back.

We' re heading back to the beach tomorrow. I hope it won't be so rough.
Nina's Travel Tip:
  • Make sure to reapply sunscreen when at the beach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How horrible that you guys have to spend so much time at the beach and rub Spaniards ... I feel sooooo bad for you. I spent 11 hours at work today. I'm so lucky.